11th Birthday invitation idea for my perfume party, Kuwait City Fisher picture, pour toi, un parfum d'une beaute fantastique, cree par vous

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Girls 11th Birthday Perfume Party Invitation

Either print this, or copy & paste to Word to print, or download using the links above. In Word, if you set page margins (left & right) to 0.7cm, you'll get 2 invites per A4 page.

The text of this free to download 11th birthday party invitation runs as follows...

pour toi, un parfum d'une beaute fantastique, cree par vous
(for you, a fragrance of fantastic beauty, created by you)
my perfume party
to: <friend's name>
from: <you>
at: <party address>
when: <time from-to, allow 2-3hrs for the perfume party>
rsvp: <your contact details>

Tags: 11th birthday party ideas for girls, perfume party ideas for 11 year old girl, novel ideas for girls 11th birthday party, free invitation template

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